I have had so many people send messages and ask how I am doing since the last video I did was a week ago and I was a little under the weather. I am good, that didn’t last long. I have just been enjoying my time with my girls and their family and some much needed time off filming. I have been working most every day but just not filming too. I just needed a break. I will be back but it may be a little while, next week I have decided to go with the kids to their week of “Christmas in the Smokies”, they are singing there 4 days and I have decided I need to be there too. I need the time off, and time with family. Hope you understand. This time of year is very hard on me and my girls. We miss Whitt so very much. This was his favorite time of year. He loved all the getting together and eating and giving presents. It is just so hard without him. This will be our third Christmas since he went to Heaven, and believe me it does not get easier. I have just learned that the easiest way to get through it is to spend as much time with my girls and grands as I can. So, that is what I am doing.
Thank you all who have been beng watching my videos I really appreciate it. That helps so very much. This month is going to be a low month for YouTube but, oh well, my family comes first. And me time is very important. Something I have not been doing much of lately.
We will be back on December 9th, hopefully rested and ready to go at it again. The online store will remain open, we just will not be shipping anyting out until we return.
Remember the Virtual Recipe Journal Retreat will begin on the 12th of November at 5pm CST. We will have the prep class on the 11th, that video will post at 6:00pm CST. Make sure you are subscribed to our YOUTUBE channel so that you don’t miss any notifications on the classes. We still have a few RECIPE JOURNAL KITS left if you would like one. I can get them mailed out tomorrow if you purchase tonight. But not to worry, we can also get them in the mail when we return and ship priority, if you miss the live they will all be recorded.
I may try and go live a few times while we are in the mountains, it is suppose to be very cold, so we shall see. But let me know if you would like to see what we are up to.
Again, thank you all for being so supportive and kind to my family. I appreciate it more than you will ever know. And thank you for the YouTube support, this helps me out when I have weeks like this and I just can’t get a video uploaded.
Melina said to remind you that anyone who is a member of the monthly digitals, they will be emailed out to you on the 1st as always. Make sure to check your junk folders. She already has a sneak peek up on the store link. Just click HERE to view.
Blessings from our family to yours, E
Hi, I have been sick and not able to watch much YT. I hope you had a great time in the Smokies. I know what you said about missing your husband. I lost my mom this past March and was my 1st Christmas w/o her. I’ve taken of her 4 years. It’s been a hard road and all the stress and grief finally took it’s toll on me. Thinking of you and praying.
Hi E: I am so glad that you are able to take time off to be with the family. I just wanted you to know that you gave November Dates for the Classes. Are the actual dates Dec. 11th -13th.? Just wanted to be sure I do not want to miss them. Take plenty of pictures of the mountains and get the much-needed rest. God Bless you and the family. Susan
How fun for you to be able to enjoy your family! I think that’s wonderful. And kudo’s to you for taking some time away from the camera and the store and doing something for Miss E! Applause! Applause! Applause! I just became a member of your YouTube channel today and am excited to be a part of that community! Have fun, enjoy the sights, and be safe!
You have a wonderful time with your family.
That is what this time of year is all about.
May the Lord be with you and your family at this very difficult time. I so enjoy my time with you watching your u tube videos, hearing your antics/stories and hear all the joy in your heart when you talk about your family, they are precious and time here is short. All of us who love you know you will be back when the time is right. Live, laugh and enjoy yourself you so deserve it. Cindy
Enjoy a well deserved time with your family. Looking forward to Recipe Journal Retreat. My kit is adorable.
Many blessings to you and your family.
Just one of your followers, Gloria
The mountains are my home. I’m so glad you are coming to them.
I haven’t been able to watch you. Our little town was destroyed by Helene. We have very spotty emergency Internet.
I look forward to hearing your sweet voice, and watching you create beautiful things.
I pray you have a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
So glad to read that you are taking time for yourself. It is so important and necessary to spend that time together, especially when you’ve lost a love one. This is my 7th year without my hubby and I still miss him dearly. So I’m all for you spending time away and looking out for yourself. I’m sure everyone is happy for you and will look forward to your return. Have a very blessed Christmas holiday with your family.
Thank You for all you do, I surely do appreciate all the videos that you’ve shared with all of us!!
I hope you have a great time away with your family and enjoying your time with them!!
Your Friend!!
Everyone who’s been in your situation, should understand. I can’t seem to get motivated much anymore since Charles passed. I know it hurts, especially during this time of year. He was a big part of you and always will be. Time to get away is important for your health too. You have a great time away with your family. You deserve it! Love, prayers, and hugs
Thank you so much for all your wonderful videos. I really enjoy watching you create and absolutely love hearing stories about your family. Please rest, relax and enjoy your time off with your family. You deserve it! In the meantime, I will catch up on some of your older videos. Hope you all have a wonderful, safe trip.