My name is Edith, I am the owner and creator of Scrapbooking With ME. I started this business out of necessity because my husband had just had 3 major heart surgeries, and he was totally disabled at the age of 49. I was then working as an accountant which is my field of trade, but realized I needed to be home as much as possible to be a full-time care giver.
I quit my job in December of 2005, stepped out on faith and started SWME with very little money in my bank account, no health insurance, a disabled husband who still was not drawing Social Security disability. At first, I was lost, I knew the accounting side of things but knew very little about retail. I struggled, we did without, we paid what we could out of our 401K and started paying the hospital bills which were over $250,000.00 and that was with my health insurance from my former employer. Needless to say, I spent many hours on YouTube and the internet reading and learning on what to sell and what to stay clear off. I watched other crafting retail stores and followed suit on how they sold, promoted and advertised their product. I have never been afraid of asking for help or working hard to achieve what I needed/wanted. And this was a need, a big one!
At this time my husband was on many medications that totaled over $500 a month. Well, where in the world was, I going to get that kind of money. Sell, sell, sell, that was my main goal.
I also started my YouTube channel in 2006 and had no clue how to run a camera, edit videos, what to show, how to teach, etc, etc, etc. Well again lots of videos, and reading, reading, reading. Our YT channel now has over 107,000 subscribers and some of the most loving and giving people out there. I have the best group ever! I am asked all the time, “how did you get your channel so popular”, “how do you do those videos”? I always tell them to follow the double D’s, determination and dedication. Never give up!!
I could go on and on of the struggles and trials we faced over the next 17 years but that would mean this would be a book and not an introductory page. lol. Let’s just say that God did provide. We never went hungry; we kept our house, and we managed to pay the bills, many times late, but paid.
My sweet husband Whitt passed away on Sept. 19, 2022, and to say I miss him is an understatement. But for 17 years I was able to be home with him and take care of him as we talked, laughed and cried, and yes and argued some too. I would not take those moments back for anything. We were married for almost 50 years. We started dating when I was 16, he was my high school sweetheart. My life is forever changed without him, but I know that one day we will be together again. And the world keeps on turning and I have to keep going.
Thank you so much for your support, if it was not for you guys, there would be no ME. And by the way the M stands for Melina our oldest daughter. She is part owner in the company, along with our youngest daughter Elisha. They are a true blessing and their beautiful babies that I call my grands.
Blessings, E